Pictured above are my brave panelists, who withstood my mounting anger at the sugarcoating of the anti-women attitudes and practices in tech, to give real practical strategies to young professionals in the audience. “Because you will often be the only woman in the room, be sure to build a network so that you are not alone in the whole company when/if trouble strikes.” “You need to be alligned with your boss. If you cannot trust him/her, move on quickly.” “Keep learning. If you get the the point where you feel you know enough, that’s when you need to keep pushing.” THANK YOU to Sarah Clatterbuck from Google, Birgitta Finnander from Ericsson, Emilia Burzyńska from P&G, and Alain SIMONNET of 3M.
Not pictured above but central to my Women InTech conference experience is Patricia Florissi , a top exec at EMC Dell, with whom I had the most interesting conversation about women in tech of my professional career. “We haven’t reached the tipping point yet. It will not be my generation that brings the diversity revolution to tech,” she told me. Full interview coming soon.
And thank you Perspektywy Women in Tech Summit 2018 for the opportunity to speak and moderate at this meeting of the minds.